I’ve been a joiner of MANY a declutter challenge, but now I’m LEADING you in one! Having learned along the way what works (to the point, get er done tips) to what doesn’t (fluff, spending time organizing and decorating). With A Mom’s Best Guess challenge, you’re going to be focusing on getting stuff OUT and breathing LIFE IN!

Starting February 1 for 29 days, together we will tackle just one area of your home to get rid of a total of 1,000 items! (+more if you’re an overachiever!) Let me take the overwhelm out, because stuff like this excites me. My friends and family know not to ask me to help them clean unless they want stuff OUT of the house!

MY HEART: I was diagnosed with OCD following my third daughter’s birth. I was shocked! Always knowing that I liked things neat, I just didn’t allow for stress to show if things were out of order. Staying up super late, rising early… all to complete a daily “cleaning” routine.

Having three kiddos both physically/chemically ignited OCD that had probably been growing since childhood to emotionally control my life turned into a full blown list of rituals! I had a season of undoing with a trained therapist. It was brutal!

So. Worth. It!

I found freedom with having less stuff, lowering expectations, inviting friends into the mess (literally) of my life, freeing time, and focusing on what matters while letting go of what doesn’t!

I want freedom for the Momma overwhelmed by all the stuff, not knowing where to begin. The Momma trapped in “clean” who is really just moving stuff from one place to the next never truly achieving a simple, carefree life. The woman who works all day and is too worn out to get her house in order.

Can you commit 15-30 minutes a day for 29 days straight? Yep, you can! Because along the way you will have ME cheering you on- daily emails giving quick tips and motivation. You can literally do anything for 29 days! Now is the time to start!

I believe that with less stuff, our focus can be on what matters. EVERY ITEM YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOME, YOU HOLD A RESPONSIBILITY TO! Less items, less responsibility! #adultingmadeeasy Every single person that has already responded to the challenge has voiced an emotional tie to the clutter in their home.

Take part! Email me, danielle@amomsbestguess.com, or comment below and I’ll add you to the daily emails for #guessiwilldeclutter 2020 through A Mom’s Best Guess.

Danielle Guess

PS: My bathroom (pictured) is not finished! But just like this challenge mission:
“Enjoy the life you’re in! Imperfections and unfinished parts alike!”