Have you used your emotional support oils?” The first question I ask myself or kids when we just feel off. Emotions are stored in our body. They have a living frequency that doesn’t just settle into our brains to be on repeat (hello, negativity!).

Catch in your throat with fear?
Tingly hands and feet with nervousness?
Headache and neck tension with stress?
Stress, anger, worry, fear, any negative emotion is taken in by not only your nervous system causing those above symptoms but also your organs.

I’m not talking about diseases here. Remember, prevention is the key to wellness! Let’s conquer those emotions and see what how our body physically responds!

TOP 7:

Amazing oil to balance the body both physically and emotionally. "When we have more courage to take on new things and/or change, we are better able to release old patterns that are not working for us." I put a drop on the back of my neck to help with stress carried there. Perfect for kids after an overactive or stressful day as well as.

When you just can’t seem to solve a situation on your own, and a new perspective needs to come. When you lack trust in yourself or others. Have I hit a nerve yet? Harmony brings it allll in. (Emotions purely a result of hormones? Reach for Lady Sclareol!)

Sacred Mountain Have you just ever been in a place where you felt so small, maybe closed in? This oil blend, Sacred Mountain, is my go to when I need to rise up out of that place and stand on solid ground.

The conifer oils used in this blend have been used by the North American Indians for hundreds of years to harness the energy of the planet and bring protection. The oils helped them to recharge energetically at all levels. It is believed that is why animals like to take shelter or rest under these conifer trees. Interesting!

Highest Potential Best. Emotional. Support. Ever. for those groggy days that sometimes get the best of us. What's the opposite of low? High! So if you've feeling low... use.... HIGHest Potential! Build confidence. Release limiting beliefs. Focus on your potential, not your imperfections. 

21. TWENTY ONE! single essential oils are in this blend. Favorites: Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Jasmine, Blue Cypress.

Into the Future "To infinity, and beyond!" .... or something like that. All I know is that I put Into the Future on my crown (top of head) on Monday and four days later plus two shampoos later and I'm still smelling it.  Feeling like I've had a very productive week as well! I don't know what your hold ups are, but there is no room for confidence issues, negative thoughts, or backwards thinking when you are striving to be the best version of yourself.

**This is a great oil for a men's cologne if you add in a few more drops of Idaho Blue Spruce! 😍

Into the Future has Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Cedarwood, Jasmine, Orange, Idaho Blue Spruce, and sweet almond oil as carrier. It smells delicious!

Stress Away Island in a bottle! This little gem was one of the first essential oils I used. Then I put it on my crying toddler at the grocery store. Loved that calm shopping trip! Next up my son got a drop after school with all his ten year old, feeling incapable, emotions. A lovely conversation followed! This bottle has not left my arsenal since!

Forgiveness People hurt. Words hurt. I’m not in the camp that when someone says “I’m sorry,” we have to instantly forgive. But is good for us to work on forgiveness. Hurtful memories without someone there to talk it out with? I experienced this firsthand after being a widow by suicide. Talk about learning to forgive! Reach for this oil and take some deep breaths when you’re ready to sit, journal, and pray through forgiveness.


- Drop some oils in your diffuser! I love to pair emotional support oils with a citrus like Lime, Orange, or Lemon.

Topically- All of my Top 7 oils can be used straight from the bottle! Truly, you need this book to determine where to apply your oils. I can’t read your mind, and maybe you don’t know your own brain when feeling emotionally “loose”. Releasing Emotional Patterns will trace your physical feelings to an emotional trigger point!

My go to- One drop on top of my head to release an emotion. One drop on back of my neck to stay grounded throughout the day. One drop on wrist to inhale as needed. One drop on belly when I need to gather in. <<Pick one or ALL application spots… depending on your needs.

You’re going to get to know your body so well! Fear will be released. You will be capable and trusting of your physical intuitions. Why am I qualified to tell you this? Because I’ve been through some BIG emotional times. Friend, emotional strong holds don’t have to be the end of the road for you.

  1. Releasing Emotional Patterns by Carolyn Mein- You’re not mad.. there’s an underlying issue! Regret? Dissatisfaction with self? Get to the ROOT of your emotions. Learn how to “Use your big girl words.” as I tell my daughters Your Wellness Tribe members, email me danielle@amomsbestguess.com for a discount on this book!

  2. Aroma Freedom Technique- Aromatherapy practice to get to the root of negative emotions! I will gladly schedule you for a free session (in person for local, video call for others).

  3. Oil + Glass- Lots of good recipes for emotions + others to use daily! Your Wellness Tribe, email me danielle@amomsbestguess.com for a discount on this book! Not a Young Living member? I’ll give you this for free!

  4. Young Living Essential Oils- I use and recommend Young Living, because they are a company purposed to meet all the needs of my family’s wellness in life. A one stop shop with amazing quality .

  5. Order any of these oils through me, and you’ll be invited into our online group, have me as a resource to learn, and a free app as well! It’s a good learning community for your emotional health journey!

These oils and resources will be invaluable to you! Did you learn something? Have questions? Comment below! Subscribe to weekly “life” posts for digging deeper stories and application.
